

Edward Alvarado

Roblox是一个在PC和移动设备上非常流行和常用的游戏平台。 Roblox最吸引人的地方之一是用户可以创建自己的游戏供其他玩家玩。 然而,这也导致了该平台上的一些争议,其中最近的一个争议就是Crosswoods事件。 到底什么是Crosswoods事件呢?



Crosswoods[A.2]是一款用户自制的MMORPG游戏。 它似乎是一款玩家通过合作从一个浮岛前进到另一个浮岛的游戏。 该游戏乍一看似乎没有任何问题。


开始玩Crosswoods的玩家突然发现自己的账号被Roblox封禁了。 很明显,一旦游戏开始,它就会群发违反Roblox政策的信息,因为这些信息带有贬义。 正如链接的视频所示,玩家在开始游戏后不久就会收到被封禁的信息,账号的所有相关信息都会丢失。


在收到报告后,Roblox从数据库中删除了该游戏,但这并不足以挽救许多游戏玩家的账户。 不过,似乎即使在宣布修复后,一些玩家仍能在平台上找到该游戏,直到它最终被删除。 许多用户表示,Roblox还封禁了创建该游戏的用户。

See_also: 动漫传奇


在Crosswoods事件之前,Roblox就有过不同的争议。 该平台上的一些内容有一些露骨的性内容,尽管这违反了他们的政策。 Roblox还被指控通过使用微交易向儿童兜售消费主义,包括一些儿童积累了数千美元的微交易费用。过去的游戏骗取用户账户以获得该个人资料的内容。

See_also: FIFA23十大国际球队

现在您知道Roblox上发生的Crosswoods事件是怎么回事了吧。 不过,不要因此而放弃继续使用该平台,因为此类事件通常较少。

Edward Alvarado

Edward Alvarado is a seasoned gaming enthusiast and the brilliant mind behind the celebrated blog of Outsider Gaming. With an insatiable passion for video games spanning several decades, Edward has dedicated his life to exploring the vast and ever-evolving world of gaming. Having grown up with a controller in his hand, Edward developed an expert understanding of various game genres, from action-packed shooters to immersive role-playing adventures. His deep knowledge and expertise shine through in his well-researched articles and reviews, providing readers with valuable insights and opinions on the latest gaming trends.Edward's exceptional writing skills and analytical approach allow him to convey complex gaming concepts in a clear and concise manner. His expertly crafted gamer guides have become essential companions for players seeking to conquer the most challenging levels or unravel the secrets of hidden treasures.As a dedicated gamer with an unwavering commitment to his readers, Edward takes pride in staying ahead of the curve. He tirelessly scours the gaming universe, keeping his finger on the pulse of industry news. Outsider Gaming has become a trusted go-to source for the latest gaming news, ensuring enthusiasts are always up to date with the most significant releases, updates, and controversies.Outside of his digital adventures, Edward enjoys immersing himself inthe vibrant gaming community. He actively engages with fellow gamers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and encouraging lively discussions. Through his blog, Edward aims to connect gamers from all walks of life, creating an inclusive space for sharing experiences, advice, and a mutual love for all things gaming.With a compelling combination of expertise, passion, and an unwavering dedication to his craft, Edward Alvarado has solidified himself as a respected voice in the gaming industry. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for reliable reviews or an avid player seeking insider knowledge, Outsider Gaming is your ultimate destination for all things gaming, led by the insightful and talented Edward Alvarado.