

Edward Alvarado

PlayStation最受欢迎的独占游戏之一《对马幽灵》(Ghost of Tsushima)即将登陆PC平台。 一位业内人士透露、 以可靠的游戏泄漏而闻名 在我们等待官方确认的同时,以下是我们目前收集到的所有信息。

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一位值得信赖的业内人士 "The Snitch "最近暗示,《对马岛魂》可能很快就会登陆PC平台。 Reddit上及时发布的这一消息预测,一款索尼独占游戏将于7月登陆PC平台。 虽然尚未明确证实是《对马岛魂》,但从时间上看,这款游戏在PC游戏领域的明显缺席使其成为一种令人信服的可能性。


索尼一直在慢慢地将其独占游戏转移到PC上,如《Days Gone》、《地平线:零之黎明》、《战神》以及最近的《最后的我们》都已经登陆了Steam平台。 这一战略举措 这可能是索尼承认PC游戏市场不断增长的一个迹象,而《Ghost of Tsushima》可能就是下一个目标。

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关于《对马岛魂》PC移植版的暗示已经有一段时间了。 值得注意的是,臭名昭著的Nvidia泄密事件将该游戏列入了其未公布的游戏列表中,这增加了这一说法的可信度。 另一个重要的举动是,亚马逊的游戏包装盒上现在没有了 "仅在PlayStation上发售 "的标签,这是早些时候在《地平线:零之黎明》(Horizon Zero Dawn)和《逝去的日子》(Days Gone)的PC移植版中观察到的模式。



总之,在我们等待官方公告的同时,所有迹象都表明《对马岛魂》PC移植版将在不久的将来推出。 请祈祷,并准备好您的Steam账号!

Edward Alvarado

Edward Alvarado is a seasoned gaming enthusiast and the brilliant mind behind the celebrated blog of Outsider Gaming. With an insatiable passion for video games spanning several decades, Edward has dedicated his life to exploring the vast and ever-evolving world of gaming. Having grown up with a controller in his hand, Edward developed an expert understanding of various game genres, from action-packed shooters to immersive role-playing adventures. His deep knowledge and expertise shine through in his well-researched articles and reviews, providing readers with valuable insights and opinions on the latest gaming trends.Edward's exceptional writing skills and analytical approach allow him to convey complex gaming concepts in a clear and concise manner. His expertly crafted gamer guides have become essential companions for players seeking to conquer the most challenging levels or unravel the secrets of hidden treasures.As a dedicated gamer with an unwavering commitment to his readers, Edward takes pride in staying ahead of the curve. He tirelessly scours the gaming universe, keeping his finger on the pulse of industry news. Outsider Gaming has become a trusted go-to source for the latest gaming news, ensuring enthusiasts are always up to date with the most significant releases, updates, and controversies.Outside of his digital adventures, Edward enjoys immersing himself inthe vibrant gaming community. He actively engages with fellow gamers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and encouraging lively discussions. Through his blog, Edward aims to connect gamers from all walks of life, creating an inclusive space for sharing experiences, advice, and a mutual love for all things gaming.With a compelling combination of expertise, passion, and an unwavering dedication to his craft, Edward Alvarado has solidified himself as a respected voice in the gaming industry. Whether you're a casual gamer looking for reliable reviews or an avid player seeking insider knowledge, Outsider Gaming is your ultimate destination for all things gaming, led by the insightful and talented Edward Alvarado.